Sabtu, 24 Januari 2015


v Parallelism Definition
Parallelism is the use of components in a sentence that are grammatically the same; or similar in their construction, sound, meaning or meter. Parallelism examples are found in literary works as well as in ordinary conversations.

This method adds balance and rhythm to sentences giving ideas a smoother flow and thus can be persuasive because of the repetition it employs. For example, “Alice ran into the room, into the garden, and into our hearts.” We see the repetition of a phrase that not only gives the sentence a balance but rhythm and flow as well. This repetition can also occur in similar structured clauses e.g. “Whenever you need me, wherever you need me, I will be there for you.”

v Common Parallelism Examples
·         Like father, like son.
·         The escaped prisoner was wanted dead or alive.
·         Easy come, easy go.
·         Whether in class, at work or at home, Shasta was always busy.
·         Flying is fast, comfortable, and safe.

v Examples of Parallelism in Literature
In literature, parallelism is used in different ways to impress upon the readers in order to convey messages or moral lessons. Let us analyze a few examples of parallelism in literature:

Example #1
Antithesis is a kind of parallelism in which two opposite ideas are put together in parallel structures. Alexander Pope in his “An Essay on Criticism” uses antithetic parallel structure:

“To err is human; to forgive divine.”

Imperfection is a human trait and God is most forgiving. Through these antithetical but parallel structures, the poet wants to say that God is forgiving because his creation is erring.

Example #2
We find parallelism in John Donne’s poem “Community”,

“Good we must love, and must hate ill,
For ill is ill, and good good still;
But there are things indifferent,
Which we may neither hate, nor love,
But one, and then another prove,
As we shall find our fancy bent.”

Contrasting ideas of “good” and “ill”, “love” and “hate” are placed together in parallel structures to emphasize the fact that we love good because it is always good and we hate bad because it is always bad.
Example #3

We see the repetition of parallel structures in the following lines from “A Tale of Two Cities” by Charles Dickens:

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair.

By repeating “It was…” in the passage, the readers are prompted to focus on the traits of the “age” they will read about in the succeeding passages.

Example #4

We see William Blake employ Parallelism in his poem “The Tyger”:
“What the hammer? what the chain?
In what furnace was thy brain?
What the anvil? what dread grasp
Dare its deadly terrors clasp?”

The use of parallel structures, starting with “what”, creates a beautiful rhythm in the above lines.

Example #5
Parallelism takes form of “Diazeugma” in which a single subject is connected with multiple verbs. Read the following lines from the speech of Norfolk in William Shakespeare Henry VIII, Act 3, Scene 2:

“My lord, we have
Stood here observing him: Some strange commotion
Is in his brain: he bites his lip, and starts;
Stops on a sudden, looks upon the ground,
Then, lays his finger on his temple; straight,
Springs out into fast gait; then, stops again,
Strikes his breast hard; and anon, he casts
His eye against the moon: in most strange postures
We have seen him set himself.”

The use of multiple verbs in the above lines creates a dramatic effect in the speech of Norfolk that makes his description vivid.

v Function of Parallelism
The use of parallel structures in speech or writing allows speakers and writers to maintain a consistency within their work and create a balanced flow of ideas. Moreover, it can be employed as a tool for persuasion as well because of the repetition it uses.


Love and hate

Perceived love is beautiful than hate. Therefore, they have many differences. First, if someone feel the love/ fall in love, their face expression is look so gladness, in the other hand, when someone feel the hatred, they face expressions is look like has many winkles. Second difference from them are, love reflect happiness. Meanwhile, hate reflects hatred, anger, resentful, hurt, and disappointed. Other differences are if someone feels the love or fall in love, they will do everything possible to please the person who their loves, but in the other hand, when someone feels hate, they will do everything possible to harm the person who their hated. Actually, love and hate has a relationship, for example, if we fall in love to someone but he/she didn’t love us or with coarse reject our love feelings of love we could have directly replaced by hatred. On the contrary, we buried feelings of hatred against our hated person for this may be at any time tern into love. Therefore, if you love someone, don’t love him/her with excessive. And conversely, when you hate someone don’t hate them with excessive. So, exaggeration wasn’t very good. In fact, love and hates are something that is contrary between each other, but, love and hates still has a relationship of mutual concerned. For these reasons, love has beautiful expression and peace of mind than hate.


Compound-complex sentence adalah sentence type (tipe kalimat) yang merupakan kombinasi antara compound dengan complex sentence. Tipe kalimat ini memiliki 3 atau lebih klausa di dalamnya, dimana minimal terdiri dari 2 independent clause dan 1 dependent clause.
Tipe kalimat yang lain yaitu: simplecompound, dan complex sentence. Dengan memahami berbagai tipe kalimat, akan sangat membantu dalam memberikan variasi kalimat pada sebuah tulisan.

Contoh Kalimat Compound-Complex Sentence:
While he was cleaning the kitchen, he found a lot of expired food, but he didn’t got rid of it immediately.
(Ketika dia sedang membersihkan dapur, dia menemukan banyak makanan kadaluarsa, tapi dia tidak membuangnya segera.)
imana kalimat di atas merupakan gabungan dari:
  • Complex Sentence:While he was cleaning the kitchen, he found a lot of  expired food. (dependent, independent)
  • Compound Sentence:He found a lot of expired food, but he didn’t got rid of it immediately. (independent, independent)
Sehingga secara keseluruhan compound-complex sentence tersebut memiliki 2 independent dan 1 dependent clause.

Punctuation (Tanda Baca) pada Compound-Complex Sentence
Pada dasarnya, compound-complex sentence mengikuti aturan penggunaan tanda baca yang berlaku terhadap compound dan complex sentence. Secara ringkas aturannya adalah sebagai berikut.

Compound Sentence
  • Jika menggunakan coordinate conjunction (for, and, nor, etc), tanda baca koma digunakan tepat sebelum kata hubung tersebut.
  • Jika menggunakan conjunctive adverb (furthermore, however, when, etc), tanda baca semicolon (titik koma) digunakan tepat sebelum kata hubung dan koma tepat setelah kata hubung.
  • Dapat menggunakan semicolon untuk menghubungkan dua independent clause yang sangat berhubungan.
Complex Sentence
  • Pada adverbial clause, jika berada di awal kalimat, diujung klausa ini diberi tanda baca koma.
  • Pada adjective clause, jika menerangkan subject (berada di tengah kalimat), dapat diapit koma atau tidak tergantung dari penting atau tidak informasi yang dibawanya.

Contoh Kalimat Compound-Complex Sentence:
  • DC= dependent clause
  • IC= independent clause
  • SC= subordinate Conjunction
  • AC= adverbial conjunction
  • RP= relative pronoun

While cleaning the kitchen, he found a lot of expired foodbut he didn’t  got rid of it.
While cleaning the kitchen= DC (adverbial clause)
he found a lot of expired food= IC
but= SC
he didn’t  got rid of it= IC
Andra found a lot of expired food, but he didn’t  got rid of it because he was too lazy to do it.
Andra found a lot of expired food= IC
but= SC
he didn’t got rid of it= IC
because= AC
he was too lazy to do it= IC
Yulia, who works out two times a week, has a positive body image; therefore, she always looks happy and healthy.
(Yulia yang berlatih dua kali seminggu, mempunyai body image yang positif. Oleh karena itu, dia selalu tampak bahagia dan sehat.)
Yulia has a positive body image= IC
who works out two times a week = DC (non-essential adjective clause)
therefore= AC
she always looks happy and healthy= IC
People who exercise regularly rarely get sick; they usually have a great immune system.
(Orang-orang yang berolahraga secara teratur jarang jatuh sakit. Mereka biasanya mempunyai sistem imun yang baik.)
People get sick= IC
who do exercise regularly= DC (essential adjective clause)
they usually have a great imune system= IC